Support for children

Support for children

In school support

Support in school for SEMH is delivered through a graduated approach (see support map for more info). This incorporates tiers of support, beginning with strategies to support all pupils (such as wellbeing time/PSHE curriculum/Forest School/relational approach) and culminating in 1:1 support from top tier NHS services. In between we have a wide range of small group and 1:1 support in place delivered by both school staff and outside agencies.  


Outside Agency Joint Working

We have worked at an unprecedented level this year to support our learners through our graduated approach and through outside agency support with record numbers of referrals again being made. 


NHS services include- School Health (nursing team), CYPS, Primary Mental Health, Be You Support, Sensory OT

Northumberland SEND services include - Emotional Wellbeing and Behaviour team, ASD team

Other services include - Northumberland Early Help team, Tyndale Hospice, Adopt North East Therapies, SAS counselling 


Support from outside professionals includes  - 1:1 direct input from professional with learner, learner in context visits – including liaison with parents and recommendations given, clinical assessment tasks and reports, joint outcome planning and personalised support for parents.

In classes we use the Zones of Regulation to support wellbeing and emotional regulation.




Our goal is to teach children more about their emotions and to further develop their self-regulation skills. Self-regulation is an essential skill in life, and in all learning environments. The children will participate in activities and discussions designed to help them recognise when they are in each of the different Zones as well as learn how to use strategies to change or stay in the Zone they are in. Children will learn new vocabulary, skills in reading other people’s facial expressions, gain perspective about how others see and react to their behaviour, insight into events that trigger their behaviour, calming and alerting strategies, and problem solving skills. Zones of Regulation groups all the ways that children feel and behave into four “Zones”:


 Blue (Slow) Zone - when your body is running slowly, such as when you are tired, sick, sad or bored.


 Green (Go) Zone - when you are ready to learn and “good to go.” You feel happy, calm and focused.


 Yellow (Caution) Zone - when you feel your engine beginning to running high, such as when you are frustrated, overwhelmed, silly, wiggly, excited, worried, anxious, or surprised.


 Red (Stop) Zone- is when you have “flipped your lid” and there is a loss of emotional self-control. You have extreme feelings such as terror, uncontrolled anger, aggression, or elation.


Children will first learn to recognise emotions in themselves and others and then about how their emotions and attention to learning are connected. They learn that they move through their Zones throughout the day, and that they can improve their control over their Zones through practise. Children then learn strategies for changing from one Zone to another, encouraging each child to build a repertoire of tools.

None of the Zones are “bad” or “naughty” and we never use either of these terms in school. All of the Zones are expected at one time or another. 


TALK ABOUT group intervention support
Talkabout is an intervention programme for developing self-esteem/self awareness, social communication and friendship skills. We run groups in each key stage to support our children's wellbeing and personal development.